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What is synchronous technology in CAD Designing

What is Synchronous Technology?

Since year 2008, Siemens’s Synchronous Technology has been included in the company’s Solid Edge software. Despite being a powerful modelling tool, it continues to lag behind market leaders. Synchronous Technology or ST is a blend of history-based and history-free modelling. Earlier, history-based modeling has created organized, hierarchical models that brought design intent to CAD models that previously were as dumb as dirt.

With a hierarchical, history-based design approach, radical changes could destroy a model, and leaves the designer with two major choices. On the one hand, they could painstakingly retrace all of their feature relationships, untie them until they got to a place where they could redesign the part. On the other hand, a designer of top engineering colleges in Jaipur could start from scratch and build the part.

How ST Brings New Innovations

Synchronous technology offers two main technologies for 3D design. First was history-based parametric modelers like Solid Edge, Inventor, Pro/ENGINEER, SolidWorks, and others. History-based modeling has been around more than 20 years and is the method that most designers of mechanical engineering colleges in Jaipur are familiar with. Second is history-free or explicit modeling systems like IronCad and CoCreate.

History-based systems use a feature-based approach for creating and editing, and generally they are dimension-driven, so automating model changes are reliable and predictable. However, achieving any predictability requires forethought and planning related to how an edit is going to happen. Thus, any changes outside the planned modification results in a tremendous amount of rework and waiting for the history tree to recalculate.

Explicit modelers are feature-less and offer less in terms of automated design with dimensions or relationships. They are fast and flexible and can accommodate different changes, assuming their proprietary geometry kernels can handle like modifications. Synchronous technology uses the best attributes of history-based modelling while providing the freedom of explicit modelling.

Many design experts of best engineering colleges in Jaipur are working at full capacity with designers going as fast as they can with current design systems. To deliver products to market faster than your competition, an individual need a more efficient design system. Synchronous technology is a new way of working. It is highly innovative and unique to Siemens PLM Software's products like Solid Edge and NX. Synchronous technology integrates the speed and flexibility of explicit modeling and the precise control of parameterized design that allows an individual to create and edit files faster. At the heart of synchronous technology is the synchronous solve engine. This unique ability synchronously solves geometric rules like tangency, concentricity, coplanar, etc. with the features like 3D driving dimensions, and geometry in real time to enable superior model creation and editing capacities.

Why Synchronous Technology Is Different?

History-based systems uses features to build a 'recipe' that describe the CAD system on how to compile a model. It lets you access feature properties directly to make predictable alterations. This child and parent relationship means every time you make a change to a feature, the model rolls back to that point in time, so you cannot see the results of your changes until the rest of the regenerates, and it is time-consuming. Furthermore, if the initial change breaks any dependencies subsequent features rely on, experts of private engineering colleges in Jaipur have to go back and change failed features. In Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology, it features all stored in a feature collection and not in a linear tree like traditional CAD systems. These features can be selected, edited, or deleted with no performance penalty from model regeneration.

Dynamic editing is a history-based systems that can make editing a parametric history-based model look slick. Dynamic editing is slightly more intuitive because it will not allow you to see the model roll back to an earlier state, but you still have to wait for model to regenerate. It is impractical on complex models, if the system being used tries to do this in real time.

Pros Of Synchronous Technology

One major benefit that explicit, history-less modelers have over history-based systems is their ability to make fast flexible changes. This is because the explicit modelers do not rely on features to describe 3D geometry and further enables professionals of best mechanical engineering colleges in Jaipur to easily interact directly with their models. In other words, that performance stays relatively fast as models become complex. This works great for conceptual designs, when you need to make predicable or automated design changes, they are not as friendly.

Synchronous technology gets around these drawbacks by maintaining dimensions, constraints, and features. Feature collections are independent of each other. 3D driving dimensions are directly applied to your model and can be added to a model anywhere at any time, so design requirements can be established as per the requirement. 3D driving dimensions can be dynamic, locked, based on equations, and linked to spreadsheets, so parts can be configured via different engineering practices. Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology can easily maintain constraints, features, and dimensions. 3D driving dimensions have direction control and can be locked for direct control.


Synchronous technology offers far more than direct editing. It allows students of best BTech mechanical engineering colleges in Jaipur to deliver the design freedom of explicit modelers with the parametric control of history-based systems. Moreover, it lets you to design the way you want and and do more using your current design resources.

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