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What are the Major skills required to become front-end developer

Top Skills Required For Front-End Developer

For the average person, there is little trickier than the machinations tucked behind a computer screen. Coding can seem like some form of near-inaccessible magic something that functions so reliably and smoothly that you cannot help but marvel at its capabilities even as you take it for granted. Equal parts impressed and intimidated, students of Engineering Colleges in Jaipur might have dismissed a career in development as a dream outside of your reach and skill set.

But this pessimistic perspective could not be further from the truth. Coding is learnable, accessible, and welcoming to all; with a little effort and know-how, a savvy developer can transform a static, boring webpage into a responsive and dynamic customer experience. If you want to learn how to make it in front end development, you are in the right place.

What Are Front End Developers?

Front end developers are responsible for everything that a site viewer can see and interact with on a given webpage. All those fancy custom fonts, gradients, animations, and drop-down menus represent the labor of talented front end, or client-side, programmers.

These professionals of BTech Colleges in Jaipur use a combination of the fundamental building blocks of the web namely, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to make online sites usable by and attractive to the average person. These three main languages are supplemented by useful libraries and frameworks such as Bootstrap, AngularJS, jQuery, and hundreds more. If the web were a house, front end developers would be the interior decorators. They are responsible for making the internet a user-friendly, navigable, and utterly immersive experience.

Front End Web Development Skills That Employers Look For

There are several essential skills that employers look for when hiring web developers. If you want to learn how to become a front-end developer, students of top engineering college in Jaipur should add proficiency with the following tools to your professional skill set.


HTML, or Hyper Text Markup Language, is used to define the structure and layout of content on a website. The language performs two crucial functions like one, it links separate web pages together (whether internal or external to the site) and, two, it allows content to be annotated with markup tags. All website pages are stored as individual HTML pages that contain groups of HTML elements offset by tags, descriptive names surrounded by “<” and “>”.

For instance, developers might define a paragraph by using the tag “, followed by the written content, and capped off with “. Later on, the appearance and behavior of the paragraph can be altered by referencing its type, identifier, class belonging, or name, which are all defined within the tag.

2. CSS

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a sheet-based scripting language that modifies how HTML elements appear on a web page. Front end developers use CSS to change the appearance of HTML by directly referencing HTML elements, such as paragraphs, blocks, buttons, and more. This language is particularly powerful since a single CSS tag can be used to stylize an unlimited number of HTML tags of the same type, identifier, or unique name. Small blocks of well-placed code, for example, can change element spacing, color, backgrounds, ordering, fonts, and various other visual characteristics to make the site infinitely more attractive and compelling for its users.

3. JavaScript

JavaScript is what makes web pages dynamic and interactive to user commands. It is a sturdy but lightweight scripting language that allows developers of Private Engineering Colleges in Jaipur to update content, animate images, control multimedia, and handle user queries. Without JavaScript, websites would have only the most basic layer of functionality. Developers use the language to make HTML elements dynamically responsive without requiring a page redirect. Similarly, to CSS, JavaScript code files are linked inside of the HTML documents to which they apply to new behaviors.

4. Node.js

It is not often that HTML, CSS, and JavaScript work in isolation. Most modern developers rely on popular JavaScript libraries to automate code testing, development, and other aspects of site implementation.

Node.js (or just Node) is a platform built with JavaScript that makes it easy to build scalable network applications that can handle large user loads and traffic. With Node, developers of top BTech colleges Jaipur can run JavaScript code outside of the traditional browser environment and thus easily communicate with both client- and server-side scripts. These design decisions lend front end developers a greater ability to build real-time web applications, including flash games, dynamic pages, and APIs.

5. DOM Manipulation

All HTML pages are based on the DOM or “Document Object Model.” The DOM is an object-based representation of a web page, which allows for discrete objects (i.e., pre-bundled sets of programming functions and data) to be manipulated in scripting languages like JavaScript. After your browser opens an HTML page, it crafts an internal representation of the DOM that resembles a tree. All of the tree’s nodes directly correspond to the HTML tags defined in the page, which are hierarchically organized and accessed. JavaScript interacts with the DOM by selecting HTML elements by type, class, and identifier.

In short, DOM manipulation allows your website to respond to user behavior. Students of best engineering college in Rajasthan need to know how to work with the DOM; without it, JavaScript will not be able to adjust the appearance of the page.

If the task at hand is complicated, many front-end developers employ the JavaScript library jQuery; it can do everything that vanilla JavaScript can do and more. With jQuery, developers can select DOM elements with CSS-style selectors. The library features a diverse array of selectors and manipulation methods, making it easier to specialize a web page’s functionality.


Since its introduction in the 2000s (PDF, 257 KB), AJAX has been a staple tool in front end developers’ workstations. AJAX, or Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, is a common framework that uses built-in XML Http Request (XHR) objects to request data from a web server. The transported data is then displayed or used by the DOM and JavaScript.

If the acronym is a little confusing, AJAX allows web pages to be updated asynchronously by exchanging data with a web server. This means that the browser page does not have to be continuously reloaded to render new page content. By minimizing how often a page reload is required, the AJAX framework decreases network utilization and increases the user-friendliness of web pages.

7. SQL and NoSQL

To understand SQL and NoSQL, students of engineering colleges Rajasthan first need to grasp the interrelated concepts of data and databases.

Data refers to the quantifiable facts related to an object. For instance, data about you may include your age, name, weight, and height. Databases, in contrast, store data systematically and predictably, thereby allowing new data to be recorded and old data to be accessed, deleted, or modified.

Both SQL and NoSQL are tools that allow front end developers to interact with permanently stored data, say, user profiles and content that needs to persist across site visits. Both technologies are mission-critical for anyone seriously interested in web development, though they approach data storage differently. SQL, or Structured Query language, is a standardized language that allows developers to interact with relational databases. Relational databases like Oracle, Microsoft SQL, and MySQL organize data into tables that can be accessed by unique queries.


Front end development is one of the most satisfying, in-demand careers in the modern age. With consistent effort, anyone of any background can become a successful web developer.

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