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10 Easy Science Experiments to Do at Home During Summer Vacation

Writer's picture: abhishekshaarma10abhishekshaarma10

Students do Experiments During summer vacation are the perfect time for young minds to make exciting scientific adventures from their home.

Some of the Experiments:-

1. Balloon Rocket Experiment

First Inflate a balloon and tie it off securely then Tape the inflated balloon to a straw, ensuring it is well attached. Set up two chairs a distance apart and thread a length of string tightly between them then Attach the balloon to the string using the straw. Release the balloon and observe how it moves along the string finally Notice how the balloon’s motion demonstrates Newton’s Third Law of Motion:-

“The action of the air escaping from the balloon propels it in the opposite direction”.

2. Make a Solar-Powered Oven

First, take a pizza box and cut a flap on the top then Line the inside of the box with aluminium foil, ensuring it is smooth and shiny, and then Cover the opening of the box with plastic wrap and tape it into place. Cover the bottom of the box with black construction paper then Place marshmallows or chocolate chips on a plate and put it inside the box, and then Set the box outside on a sunny day finally Observe how the sunlight will be reflected and concentrated by the foil, making the interior of the box hot enough to melt the marshmallows or chocolate.

3. Create a Rainbow in a Glass

Firstly Fill a tall glass with water until it’s about three-quarters full then Place a mirror or a piece of white paper behind the glass add a few drops of food colouring to the water and then Slowly pour vegetable oil on top of the water. Observe as the colours separate and create a rainbow effect, visible through the glass, and finally Marvel at the fascinating phenomenon of colour separation and reflection.

4. Homemade Lava Lamp

First, fill a clear plastic bottle with water, leaving some space at the top, and then Pour vegetable oil into the bottle until it almost reaches the brim. Add a few drops of food colouring to the mixture Drop an Alka-Seltzer tablet into the bottle and watch as it starts to bubble and fizz, then Observe the interaction between the oil and water and the release of carbon dioxide gas. In the final step Enjoy the mesmerizing lava lamp-like effect created by the bubbles rising and falling.

An Alka-Seltzer tablet:-

An Alka-Seltzer tablet is a medication commonly used to relieve symptoms of indigestion, heartburn, and an upset stomach also It typically contains sodium bicarbonate and citric acid, which react with water to produce carbon dioxide.

5. Create an Electromagnet

Take a copper wire and wrap it tightly around a nail several times and then Leave a small amount of wire free at both ends. Connect one end of the wire to a battery terminal then Connect the other end of the wire to the opposite battery terminal. Finally, watch as the nail becomes magnetized finally, Test the magnetism by bringing the nail close to paper clips or other small metal objects and observe how they are attracted to it.

6. Exploring Surface Tension (With Black Pepper!)

First fill the plate with a thin layer of water, less than an inch deep is plenty then, sprinkle the pepper onto the water, covering as much of the water’s surface as possible and then the more pepper, the more fun, dip your finger into the liquid soap also Touch the pepper and see what happens, So the soap is breaking the surface tension of the water then Surface tension exists in water because the water molecules (the little pieces of the water) like to stick together. Finally, Water has high surface tension, meaning the molecules pull towards each other and stick together strongly. When soap is added to it, it breaks the surface tension also The molecules close to your fingers are pulled away by molecules that are farther away from your finger

7. Light Refraction Magic

First, get a sheet of paper and draw two big arrows on it, one near the top and then one new the bottom Make the arrow point in the same direction then Next, fill a glass with water and Slowly lower the piece of paper behind the glass of water finally Look through the glass of water, and watch in amazement, then Refraction is the bending of light then this Experiment happens when light travels from one medium to another, like from air to water, or water to air. Finally in this experiment, the light travelled from the paper through the air, then through the glass, and into the water.

The whole experiment means the light bends when it travels through the glass cup into the water, also it bends again when it travels out of the glass cup into the air, So The light paths cross, and the image appears to be flipped.

8. Mini Volcanos

First, combine your ingredients by putting the water inside of the plastic cup and then filling it about 2/3 full then add the baking soda, dish soap, then a little bit of food colouring or washable paint Using washable paint instead of food colouring will help you avoid staining also Stir the ingredients together Then pour in the vinegar until it starts foaming and pouring out of the cup finally Repeat as necessary with more colours. Your kids will be asking for more, and then finally The “lava” bubbles that erupt are filled with carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is a gas that forms when an acid — the vinegar — reacts with a base — the baking soda.

9. Dancing Raisins

First, you fill one glass with clear soda and another with plain water or a liquid that does not have gas bubbles Then place the raisins in each glass, and watch how they dance in the glass with clear soda then The gas bubbles from the soda carry the raisins upwards, So When they pop the raisin sinks again finally Once the carbon dioxide bubbles reach the surface of the soda they pop then the gas is released into the air.

This makes the raisin lose buoyancy and fall back down to the bottom of the glass and This is why the raising acts differently in different liquids.

10. Bouncy Ball

Start by making your borax mixture. In a clean cup, add 2 tablespoons of water and 1/2 teaspoon of borax then Mix it up with your mixing stick until it is dissolved, and then Make your glue mixture also In the second cup, add 1 tablespoon of corn-starch, and 1 tablespoon of glue. Add in a few drops of your desired food colouring and mix them all together with another mixing stick Pour the borax mixture into the glue, let it sit for 15 seconds and then Mix the two until it forms a blob around the stick. Don't worry if there's liquid left in the cups! Let the blob sit in the cup for about another minute, then finally remove the blob from the cup, and roll it between your palms to make a ball.

So if it gets too sticky, drop it back into the liquid for a few seconds also keep rolling it until the ball feels dry also This step may take a few tries depending on your glue. Try experimenting with different amounts of borax and corn starch, and see what changes.


There are so many Experiments During summer vacation for students to learn science and Maths and improve their skills. One of the best colleges in Jaipur Rajasthan is Arya College of Engineering and I.T. As a good college. As a good college, we strive to build concepts in Science and Maths through hands-on experiments and by discussing real-life applications of these subjects also We wish that children should enjoy these topics, overcome their exam fear, ace the competitions, and build strong careers in STEM streams and There is so much to learn from real experiences and live projects - apply science and make interesting STEM projects

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